Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Looking for that last minute holiday gift? Give the gift of Honey Bees!

Are you doing some last minute Christmas or Holiday gift shopping? 

Have someone on your list who already has everything? Don't know where to turn?

Well, consider giving the gift of honey bees... no, I'm not suggesting you buy a colony of honey bees, hive box, smoker. While that would be a great gift for a special bee removal entomologist (who will remain unnamed..), it could be unwieldy. After all, just HOW would you wrap a honey bee hive box and put it under a Christmas Tree???? hmmm...that has bad news written ALL over that!!!

Here's the idea:  You purchase a share of honey bees for needy small scale farmers in places such as Africa or Central and South America, and donate them in the name of your gift recipient. Honey Bee cultivation requires very little space, provide a rich sugar source, and can provide needed income for struggling families. And you don't even need to know a thing about honey bees, as there are reputable aid organizations that handle everything. Oxfam and Heifer.org are 2 organizations that we here at http://ALLFloridaBeeRemoval.com support.

For as little as $18, you can help a family become self sufficient. Go here to check them out:

Heifer.org honey bee gift page:
Heifer.org honey bee donation page

Oxfam America Honey Bee Gift page

(oxfam site appears to be down..hope it comes back!)

Happy Holidays

Richard Martyniak